Minggu, 03 Juli 2016

A Positive, Proactive Approach to Management {CHAMPs}

I firmly believe that many challenges in a classroom are a result from a lack of expectations. CHAMPs is a classroom management system in which students are responsible, motivated and highly engaged on specific task through clearly defined expectations given prior to instruction and work time.

So what is CHAMPs?

CHAMPs is designed for each instructional approach by asking two questions, "What do students need to know and do in order to behave responsibly? What do students need to know and do in order to be successful?  

By using CHAMPs, you have clear, defined academic and behavioral expectations for each instructional approach prior to beginning instruction and before transitions.  This positive approach is achieved through the CHAMPs acronym shown below...

So what does it look and sound like?

I'm smitten with my recently updated CHAMPs file.  The shabby design looks great and helps to save on ink when printing.  If you previously purchased my colorful design, you will have access to this new update by going to your purchases and redownloading.  I've bundled the old set with my new set to ensure both options are available to you!

I created my CHAMPs cards with limited words and pictures to match.  The cards can be placed in a pocket chart to easily rotate out for each instructional approach.  However, I always create a few charts for times when expectations remain the same throughout the school year, Daily 5.

How to I organize this file?  

Finding a six drawer system will work to keep the pieces stored by each letter of the acronym. There are way too many word and clipart cards for to be kept in one spot.  I purchased two small three drawer systems from Target for a couple of dollars.  I keep all my cards for conversation together.  In a separate drawer, all my cards are stored for help, etc...

For more information on this management system, please check out CHAMPs by Randy Sprick of Safe and Civil Schools.  

If you're interested in my top selling product, please link through the graphic below.  Best of luck in your management approach!

Image Map
