I'm a bit early on my classroom set up this year due to spinal surgery in the morning. Since it will be six weeks before I'm ready to work, I was able to get a jump start this year.
This is my third year at my current school, in my new district. My room is my happy place so I only made small changes from this past year. This helped make my set up easy!
Although it looks like I have it altogether, I have more work on the bulletins, labeling and organization. PLUS, I have to swap out a few furniture pieces being donated by nana. :) I plan to update this post after my return to school. I will inform my followers with revised post on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
For now, here's my rough draft....
The number one question I receive, "Do you paint?" The room was painted several years ago. I selected the color. I did spray paint my file cabinet and desk. Kinder Craze created a blog post, sharing tips.
The small board, near the filing cabinet, is where I put an Instagram feed. This is a fun way to build community. PLUS, the kids love the weekly update.
The bulletin's in my classroom all have weathered wood fadeless paper on them. I purchased mine from Amazon but you can get it at your local teacher store and hobby lobby. I purchased and linked the larger roll for all my bulletins. There is a smaller roll available. With such a tiny display, I was looking for thin borders and found burlap and lace for a shabby look.
The white bins are my student mailboxes. Learning in Wonderland has editable labels that fit perfectly. Once I have a class list, I will have access to the kid's pictures to print the clipart that most resembles my student.
I use contact paper behind the sink. I hung the contact paper two years ago. The design is from Walmart. The weathered paper would wrinkle if it were to get wet.
My birthday board is missing the cupcakes which complete a picture graph display. Not everyone has the space for a birthday board, I get it. I have a board for each content area so there's no problems creating this delicious display.
I do love the numbers on display above my board from Lavinia Pop. You will find a coordinating alpha set later in the post.
The numbers are a freebie from Cupcake Teacher. Upon arrival, kids place their planner and folder in their mailbox, move up their number and will make a lunch choice.
Most of my color bins are from Big Lots. The large pink ones fit clipboards and whiteboard! I keep extra bins on hand just in case the ones in class break. It's unfortunate but most of the stores feature different colors each year so when they break, you're up a creek without a paddle.
The shoe hanger is my bucket filler display. It saves space but remains effective. I label my class list from the bottom row up since most have struggles reaching the top of the shoe hanger.
The lab coats and goggles hanging above the clipboards are for science investigations. I ordered ten small, medium, and large to ensure I have the right sizes for their growing bodies. I watched for a sale on Amazon. This will be my second year using them. Having the lab coats makes the kids feel like REAL scientists!
The school supply storage containers above the coats are from Target, as well as the labels on each bin. I bought the containers five years ago but they're still available today. It makes moving rooms a pinch when everything is stored and labeled.
I have a love, hate relationship with the hut. Love that it provides a fun reading space that the kids beg to visit. Hate that the PVC pipe pulls apart easily. Love the whimsical pattern. Hate that it sits on the hut without being adhered. Love that it provides a little magic in the room. Hate the price of the hut. Do I regret the purchase? Not at all. Just want you to know the reality for those who often inquire. The hut is from Land of Nod.
I purchased the bins above my cabinets a few years ago from Big Lots but saw them this past week at Walmart. The color has become very popular!
I display all my paper in this organizer on the door. Having a place off my limited counters and tables allows for my kids to work freely. Having paper choice is important for the kids to feel successful.
The Rate Yourself Writing Rubric is displayed in a picture display pocket chart from Target. They've had them for the past few years in blue, white, pink, green. I created the file inside with four images for each month. This will allow you to customize your writing expectations as the year progresses.
A perfect compliment to the rubric is Ashley Sharps' writing checklist. It comes with check marks but I'm using them as an interactive piece. The kids will take their picture over to the writing station and use the check marks, stored in the chevron container under the board, collecting a particular number. I'm adding this expectation into my rubric.
The adorable pencil is a free download from The Teacher Wife. Other than what is shown, I'm using The Brown Bag Teacher's writing prompts adhered on rings in the chevron bins for Daily 5 this year.
Walmart has darling fabric squares for $.99 and they fit seat crates perfectly. There is a diverse display of colors and designs.
I bought all the shoe boxes five years ago at Home Depot. At back to school time, they have the boxes for $1. They're great boxes but the lids can easily come unattached, so I have to remind the kids how to hold the box rather than the lid.
Ice buckets are the best book bins. They're sturdy. I use them for my science domains. I received the library and bins as two different donors choose projects.
I purchased the display hangers on Amazon last year after seeing them on display in a team teacher's room. I keep ALL my charts for the entire year. Each hook represents a content area. I group related charts on the same hanger and various standards on the other hangers.
The foldable crates below are at Walmart now for $4. The book bags come just above the top of the shelf and below is for my lessons.
The vocabulary pocket chart is from Really Good Stuff. I use it weekly with our featured story. It's one of my favorite charts and a way to get my kids involved.
The book bin labels are from Kinder Craze. She offers a diverse collection of themed designs. Also bundled in the purchase are AR, DRA, and editable labels. If you're are concerned about the black background, you can also purchase her white series.
I use laundry bins for my big books. Due to the amount of big books, I have two. My old one busted from the weight after two years of use. It will store a sizable amount in one but I have nearly 100 books.
I use the water guns as pointers. The kids LOVE having a bigger pointer to use. Since most of the bulletins are high, they can extend the pointer to reach the top of the board or screen when working with the document camera.
This board is a work in progress. I plan on taking down the free posters and displaying them at the front door. I just found rotation labels perfect for Daily Five and Math from Ladybug Teacher Files that I plan to add in their place. See Teach2Reach's post on Instagram for an example.
I keep a small 5x10 locker storage for $15 dollars a month. Inside my storage, I keep these boxes filled with school supplies. Moving into this classroom, I no longer had an office or storage closet. I have small shoe containers under my cabinets with enough supplies to replenish for months. I go "shopping" in my locker when the shoe boxes need to be filled.
I've used the above system for nearly my entire career. I place a few examples of each supply in the labeled boxes. I intentionally left one NOT labeled and use expo marker. This allows me to have an additional option in future years.
The kids will come in the first week of school with supplies and independently dump their goods into the boxes. This allows me to attend to parents and students.
The first grade core calendar above is from Kathleen of Growing Kinders. It's absolutely my favorite purchase. She has a kindergarten core calendar too. The skills progress each month, allowing a diverse amount of standards to be reviewed. I have the entire year in each sheet protector and rotate the content for the different months with ease.
The homeworkopoly display is a freebie from Ladybug Teacher Files. I send home my homework calendars for the year. The calendars address each standard for the year. Regardless of when it is taught, the skills are important for the child and parent to review. The simple task takes a few minutes each night. If they turn in their work on Friday, they get to play a round for intrinsic awards. Some awards include swap desk for a day, trade job, steal star student chair, bring a friend to lunch in class, etc. There isn't a consequence for not doing work. Most will because they want to play.
The scoop chairs are from Walmart for $4. They're light weight and rock. I have a few sprinkled around the room for kids to partner read.
The storage bench is from Home Depot but after checking with their online store, it's no longer available. I needed additional place to store my music, videos, and various monthly activities.
I traded out the school desk for this one and spray painted it. A little extra step but it pops in my very calm environment. The little sign is from Tallahassee Sunday on Etsy.
I received this cart as a donors choose project a few years ago. It's a technology cart from Lakeshore Learning. I love that it's portable and has a place for plugs on the back.
Kids enter knowing their numbers to 100 but leave being about to write them to 120. I host a year long 100s club and have kids scroll to 1000. They can only move 100 at a time. Their chart is adhered to a paper towel roll and turned in when the 100 is complete. If the numbers are backwards or inverted, I will have the kids rewrite with me in a small group. If it's correct, they get to move their numbered popsicle stick to the coordinating 100s pouch.
The bins at the end of each team are from Walmart. I've had them for a few years. I use each bin for each content area. All supplies inside are the same color to help kids identify the correct drawer when retrieving their journals and folders. I set up and zip tie the desk this way to allow me an easy way to push into the group. I have a little rolling task chair that is perfect for moving about the narrow room.
I love the storage of seat crates provide. This has been around for years so I won't waste time talking about it. If it's new for you, there are TONS of tutorials on pinterest.
The blue chair is my star student chair. Students are pulled from a weekly cup based on good deeds and behavior. At the end of the day student who rise above expectations have their names added to the bin. The chosen name is pulled by the previous star student. Since there are plenty of weeks in the school year, I've never had trouble featuring each student at some point in the year.
The contact paper is added to my window and easy to remove. I added construction paper for contrast and display student work. I use to number the clips but that's one more thing to manage.
Above my fabric drawers is my student area. I keep my fish, radio, pencils, erasers, and a tattling turtle. The kids move about this area freely in the day. Below are my center bins. However, I'm moving back to Daily Five this year so the bins, both language arts and math, have become my early finisher task. I'm using my center rotation cards to identify each bin.
This is a 360 view of my classroom. As I previously mentioned, it's still a work in progress. Hopefully in four weeks, I will come back to light duty and sprinkle in additional resources that I've yet to feature.
